EP 87. Jeff Gargas - Educational Entrepreneur

T.H.E. Podcast exclusive interview with…

CEO and Educational Entrepreneur. Jeff Gargas co-founded Teach Better Team where they simply enhance the efficacy of successful educating amongst teachers. Jeff brings 5 years of experience with small businesses and entrepreneurs, helping them with content marketing, brand management, social media, and general business operations to the table.

“Understand the power of building the culture of a team.”

Whether it's an educator, a new hire, or an entire team you've recently become in charge of... At some point you are going to have to bestow unto others what has been entrusted to you! KNOWLEDGE 

I got a chance to chat with the CEO & CoFounder of The Teach Better Team where they do exactly just that. Whether your finding someone for a one and done through Fiverr, UpWork, or phOnline as opposed to working with someone more permanent you'll be able to take a ton away from this conversation.

Check him out:

Jeff's LinkedIn

Teach Better Team

The How-to Entrepreneur

Listen, Learn, and Apply! Interviews With The WORLD'S most successful entrepreneurs. Delivering the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How to start YOUR life as an entrepreneur, NOW! We sit down to chat with entrepreneurs across all spaces and industries who have walked the talk and paved their own paths, turning ideas into realities. We discuss the exact how-to approach used by all of our guests to provide our listeners an in-depth guide for accomplishing their own entrepreneurial goals!


EP 88. PJ Taei - Content Creation & MOnetization Entrepreneur


EP 86. Asher Edwards - Multimedia Designer