EP 85. Andy parker - Lead & Conversion Copywriter

T.H.E. Podcast exclusive interview with…

Brand & Conversion Copywriter for Asana. Copy ranks #1 when it comes to SEO, the ads you see & read, company taglines, and just about everything else a potential consumer may get their eyes on. Whether they’re your 1st hire or someone you outsource for a particular job, knowing the difference between an Andy and a first day Fiverr could be a million dollars.

“mine for copy from customers”

Whether it's your product page, an ad, or email campaigning your seeing, reading and digesting copy. Copy is KING when it comes to selling not only your product but your brand's story as well as providing the information necessary to excite someone about purchasing your product before they even know what it is! Andy is a subject matter expert with 22 years of experience doing just that!

Check her out:

Andy's LinkedIn


Episode on Youtube

The How-to Entrepreneur

Listen, Learn, and Apply! Interviews With The WORLD'S most successful entrepreneurs. Delivering the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How to start YOUR life as an entrepreneur, NOW! We sit down to chat with entrepreneurs across all spaces and industries who have walked the talk and paved their own paths, turning ideas into realities. We discuss the exact how-to approach used by all of our guests to provide our listeners an in-depth guide for accomplishing their own entrepreneurial goals!


EP 86. Asher Edwards - Multimedia Designer


EP 84. Matt Kovacs - Public Relations Entrepreneur & Expert